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Biblio: söktermen namn=('Mennicke, Lutz') gav 3 träffar

1. Mennicke, Lutz / Institutionen för fysikalisk kemi
  Biosensing polymer thin films / Jouko Peltonen ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: CERC3 Workshop : supramolecular chemistry entering the nanoworld : abstract & CV book, March 20-23 1997, Conference Centre "Logica", University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands / organizing committee: Dr. R. Sybesma, Dr. P. Timmerman, Dr. Th. Hesselink. - [S.l.] : [S.n.], 1997, s. [Opag.]. Abstraktet sammanlagt 3 s.

2. Mennicke, Lutz / Institutionen för fysikalisk kemi
  Calorimetric studies of mixed chain lipids and their binary mixtures / L. Mennicke, A. Blume.
- Ingår i: Book of abstracts, list of participants / X Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, 10th Anniversary Conference. - [Turku] : Pinta- ja kolloidiseura, 1996, s. P-III.08. September 2-6, 1996, Turku.

3. Mennicke, Lutz / Institutionen för fysikalisk kemi
  LB and self-assembled monolayers of a lipoic acid-substituted phospholipid / H. Watson ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: LB8 : The Eighth International Conference on Organized Molecular Films, August 24-29, 1997, Asilomar, California, U.S.A. : abstract & program booklet / organized by CPIMA at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and University Extension, University of California , Davis ; co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation MRSEC Center on Polymer Interfaces and Macromolecular Assemblies (CPIMA), the journal Thin Solid Films, and the National Institutes of Health. - [Asilomar] : [CPIMA], [1997], s. 1-P-42. Abstraktet sammanlagt 1 s.